'I Want What He's Got': catching the Spirit of Jesus

Have you ever been to a restaurant and seen a sizzling meal on a platter brought out to someone on another table and had the thought, “Wow, I’ll have what they’re having!”

People who have the Holy Spirit are like this. They are infectious, like laughter is. They are attractive within themselves; like a bright light is shining through their eyes. Couples in love are like this. We look at them and something inside us sees the peace and joy they have and we think ‘man, that would would be nice! I want what they’ve got.’

There’s something about Jesus that was like this. I mean the guy obviously had something about him that was attractive, that drew crowds in the thousands everywhere he went, remarkably fringe-dwellers and unreligious people. Fast-forward 2000 years and the same thing is still happening. For myself as a uni student it felt like simple curiosity; JC was a good guy, a wise teacher, couldn’t hurt to explore the faith of my childhood, right? But as I got closer and his words start to knock around inside my head, I realised this guy had something I wanted, something inexplicable I needed. Something good, something pure, something holy. The annoying thing was, some Christians I had recently gotten to know had the same thing. They were different from me in a way I couldn’t quite put my finger on. As much as I didn’t want to become a predictable ‘Cookie-Cutter Christian Nice-Guy’, whatever these people had, deep inside I couldn’t deny that I wanted it too. Dang it!


Turns out, those friends of mine had the same thing Jesus had. A simple goodness, joy and peace that radiated from their lives. It’s like whatever was inside Jesus had somehow time-travelled it’s way 2000 years later to get inside of them. What was it? Some kind of Christian fairy dust? I didn’t know then, but I know now.

The Spirit of Jesus

If YOU want what Jesus has - that infectious spirit of goodness and truth and courage that emanated out of his very pores - the thing you’re searching for is the Holy Spirit. Jesus spoke about this hidden power often, telling his disciples explicitly not to do anything after his ascension into heaven, but to “Stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

“Wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized in water, but in a few days you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit.” - Acts 1:4-5

So what was this ‘new baptism’ thing? The disciples had an idea of what that picture looked like. To get baptised was no little toe-dip in the river, but a complete dunking; water flowing over your head! But to be submerged in / overflowing with the Holy Spirit and fire? What does that look like? (Mat 3:11) It didn’t take them long to find out. Check out ‘The Day of Pentecost’ in Acts 2:1-4 and read for yourself!

It’s been nearly 30 odd years since I first opened my heart and prayed to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. It took a few humorous jump-starts, but it was an experience I will never forget and one will always be grateful for, an injection which set my life on a whole new trajectory. It helped me to read up a bit in advance to know what I was asking for, especially the book of Acts in the New Testament, which I discovered was jam packed full of miracles and supernatural activity, apparently par for the course back then. So why was this grace being downplayed in the institutional Christian Church 2000 years later?

Pope Francis in worship - Pentecost Vigil17.jpg

“Share with everyone in the Church the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit” - Pope Francis, 2014

a Spirit that is meant to spread

It seemed to me like there was a powder-keg here just waiting to be tapped into, that millions of Catholics like me were only just starting to hear about. You can read my full story in the book ‘Walk With You’, but suffice to say, when I received prayer with the laying on of hands for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, there was a general ‘before and after’. As St Paul said, “the old has gone, the new has come!” Perhaps you’re reading this thinking ‘I could do with an injection of goodness and newness in my life’. All I have to say is, it’s not only possible but it’s available. As St Peter declared on the day that the wind started blowing and the tongues of fire first fell;

“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off - for all whom the Lord our God will call. - Acts 2:38-9

Some people look only for signs and wonders, bells and whistles. Some people expect nothing, presuming the God of the universe could not be personally interested in their life. I think the best posture is to expect God to respond powerfully, but to be open to however that happens. In the scriptures the Spirit is described as both a powerful wind and a gentle breath. He is not a magic toy to demand a performance from. But He is real and He is powerful, and he wants to enter your life today. Talk about a best-kept secret!

If you want to understand more about the Holy Spirit, or walk through some steps about how to pray for a personal release / infilling of the Spirit, read my free booklet here: ‘Charismatic Worship: A Gift for the Whole Church'. Wondering what Pope Francis and the Church has to say about this? Go here

At the end of the day, know this: the Spirit of God - the same infectious Spirit that lived inside Jesus - wants to enter your life, so that like Jesus, you too can be an attractive source of life, joy and peace to the world around you.